This card must have been alarmingly risque when it was first published!
I think the first version is the one published by E.S. London probably in 1907. It is signed by McGill and has the caption written in lower case on the bottom left side of the card.
E.S. 3110 |
The next version was probably published the following year, 1908, by Hutson Bros. It is exactly the same image (except the lady's shoe is missing), again signed (but in a slightly different position) but the caption is now all in block capitals and written across the bottom of the card (without the exclamation marks but with apostrophes instead!!)
H.B.Series No. 638 |
The final version is of unknown date and publisher. It is a copy of the H.B. version with a few very minor variations in the image. However the main differences are that it is not signed and there is additional writing - "All the fun of the Fair" has been added although the "My word..." text is the same but in a different font and printed in a slightly different position.
Unknown publisher |
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